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Ursula Poznanski
Contrived (Eleria Trilogy, Vol. 3)
Eleria, Volume 3
528 Pages, 15.0 x 22.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-7548-2
18,95 € (D)
19,50 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
Swedish, Turkish
More about this title
Ria has now discovered the terrible secret about the virus that kills so swiftly. She knows that it will kill the inhabitants of the spheres, and take revenge on them for having stolen so many Clan children. It’s a terrible plan. But, fortunately, there’s an antidote. It’s being kept by Quirin. Though Quirin won’t be dissuaded from this terrible plan and suddenly vanishes, as if the ground had swallowed him up.
Although circumstances are stacked against her, Ria sets out to find the remedy and save the lives of the Clan people and the inhabitants of the Spheres. But then she discovers something she hadn’t reckoned with. Something so ghastly it’s almost impossible to imagine. Something far worse than any other conspiracy she has previously uncovered.
With CONTRIVED, bestselling author Ursula Poznanski has produced another, brilliantly thrilling novel in her Ria sequence. The author leads her readers and Ria skilfully through a bewildering series of events before introducing a sudden twist in the plot that no one could have anticipated.