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Jochen Till
Lucifer Junior (Vol. 14)
Rogue Hunt and Schlotzolade
Luzifer junior, Volume 14
illustriert von Raimund Frey
224 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1652-5
14,95 € (D)
15,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
(series): Czech, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish (Latin America)
More about this title
Come along on a new devilish adventure!
Luzie and the others are completely out of their minds: they have been invited to visit the Federal President. But could this possibly be a trap, as Aaron suspects? When the plane lands, his suspicions are confirmed and a hellishly threatening adventure begins that not only puts our friends in danger....A devil in school - the comic novel by Jochen Till about the son of hell Lucifer offers reading fun and plenty of reason to laugh out loud for girls and boys aged 10 and up. Numerous humorous pictures by Raimund Frey illustrate Lucifer's adventures in hell and in the strict boys' boarding school. Anyone who likes Greg's diary will love Lucifer junior!