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Katharina Schöde
Hey Milla! – My Genious Secret of Happiness (Vol. 3)
Hey, Milla!, Volume 3
illustriert von Lisa Hänsch
224 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0741-7
9,95 € (D)
10,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Milla is a confident yet sensitive girl with little flaws and a big heart who shows every kid that they are not alone with their problems and that they are strong! With fantasy, bravery, a strong friendship you can weather small and big adventures in life.
• Strong protagonist: A spirit like Pippi Longstocking and modern Heidi
• Thrillingly narrated by film producer & script writer Katharina Schöde
• Topics: School, Everyday life, Adventure, Friends,
• Complex, deep story but with an easy languageWhat happens in Volume 3:
Yay! Finally, holidays in Bergaudorf again! Milla is very happy. But then the Madonna statue is stolen. Legend says it can grant wishes and Milla could use one of those. Then she could wish for her Dad and his work colleague to become close and finally the three of them can be a real family. Milla and her best friend Fritz quickly start investigating. In the end, it turns out that the alleged theft was just a publicity stunt for the little village of Bergaudorf. The Madonna returns to her old place and Milla's heart's desire is fulfilled!