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Bettina Belitz
Lucie & Leander – Dangerously Accursed (Vol. 5)
Luzie & Leander
288 Pages, 13.5 x 21.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-7073-9
Trade Paperback
12,00 € (D)
12,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
Thanks to her wild pranks during their holiday in France, Lucy is under the strictest form of house arrest – round the clock supervision. The way things are, she and the boys will have to get used to living without playing parkour games.
With all these stressful things going on, Lucy could have done without a ‘Social Week’ school project that requires doing a fellow student a favour without them knowing anything about it. Lucy is a bit overwhelmed by all this, and opts for Billy, whose parents are in the process of getting divorced. Alongside Leander and Seppo she now has a third person to look out for – no chance of being bored now!