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Raimund Frey
Groona – The Last Island (Vol. 1)
Loewe Wow!
illustriert von Raimund Frey
176 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0860-5
12,00 € (D)
12,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
LOEWE WOW – A New Way of Storytelling!
• Illustrated in b/w
• Multilayered and complex story, narrated in a short text with gripping illustrations
• Growing up with Groona who looks back on her story
• Gender-neutral
• First YA in Loewe WOW!
What happens in Volume 1:
Groona survived an epic catastrophe. Civilization is gone and the world is ruled by predatory dinosaurs, pterodactyls and other primevel animals. It is hard to hold your ground alone. The only friend by Groona‘s side is a Tyrannosaurus rex. Both live off the hunt and search the old boxes for usefull stuff that gets washed to the beach every day. But one day Groona finds something that will change everything…