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Kolloch & Zöller
Elf Stories
Silbengeschichten zum Lesenlernen
durchgehend farbig illustriert Betina Gotzen-Beek
64 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8976-2
7,95 € (D)
8,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Syllable stories for learning to read
• Successful Reading Pirates titles in new form
• Strong topics
• Short sentences in large primer font
• Supports acquisition of reading competency through coloured syllables
• Popular with teachers, educators, and parents who want to help their children learn to read
• No obligation to follow the syllable conceptJulius can’t believe it. A tiny elf is hiding in his knight’s castle and wants to be his friend. Hanna gets magical visitors, too, but they want to be kept hidden from her parents. That’s easier said than done, because Hanna and her new elf friends have to giggle all the time. And Annabel the elf is looking for her golden key and comes across an enchanted prince. The little flower elf tries to grow as tall as a human girl.
Helping children learn to read quickly
The Reading Lion concept aims to make reading a fun activity while actively accompanying the process of learning it. The concept offers books that are adjusted to children’s needs and skills in all stages of this process. The syllables are marked in three different colours. This helps first readers to comprehend the individual syllables and the meaning of the words more easily. They will learn to pronounce every word correctly and read faster and more fluidly. Short sentences, simple words and easy-to-read font make reading very easy! Additionally, a sense of achievement will be experienced motivating children to continue reading and learning.