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Where Is ... The Football?
Illustrationen von Wilfried Gebhard
16 Pages, 23.5 x 31.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-5644-3
9,95 € (D)
0,00 € (A)
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More about this title
Search and Find: Toddlers get to know the world!
- A playful combination of pictures and vocabulary
- Learn words by discovering things
- Concentration training and advancement
Take a close look:
There are amusing details on every page, and lots of little stories to be found in the illustrations!
Off you go to a teeming world of objects and characters to discover! Whether on the construction site, on board the pirate ship, among the wild Vikings, the chivalrous knights, or the dinosaurs: there are plenty of objects and persons to discover! The illustrations demonstrate a true understanding of young kids' imagination.