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Renée Holler
History Mysteries - The Arsonist's Return
Tatort Geschichte
illustriert von Hauke Kock
128 Pages, 13.0 x 20.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-5727-3
Rights sold:
Chinese (simplified)
More about this title
Around 900 A.D.: the settlers living in the small village Skiringssal are in turmoil. One of their houses has been burnt down to the very last stone. While the grown-ups wonder at the causes, Jorunn, Egill and Finn all agree: this has been arson! With all their courage they start to follow the perpetrator's trails…
No one was more experienced on the seas or more infamous: the Vikings. The setting for the new "History Mysteries" title is one of the oldest historic settlements of the Norsemen. Lots of facts about the life of the Vikings are thus interwoven with the plot of the captivating mystery…
Our "History Mysteries" bring the Middle Ages, ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire to life. The detailed appendix provides information about the epoch in question. "History Mysteries" make history fun!