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Little Quiz Dwarfs - Spatial Orientation
Die neuen LernSpielZwerge
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Carmen Eisendle
80 Pages, 15.3 x 20.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1224-4
4,50 € (D)
4,60 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Early learning through playful puzzles
In this preschool pad, children from the age of 4 train their spatial imagination in varied exercises on proximity and distance, positions, sizes, directions and different perspectives and can thus develop important basic skills in a playful way. A mix of proven task types and modern, colorful illustrations, the Little Quiz Dwarfs are the perfect accompaniment through kindergarten and preschool.
• Highly popular and well-established didactic concept/brand
• Quizzing, puzzling and learning in preparation of the start of school
• Includes solutions