Manfred Theisen
Simply explained - Artificial Intelligence - Fake News - Our Digital Future
Einfach erklärt
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Mo Büdinger
176 Pages, 17.0 x 24.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1016-5
Trade Paperback
14,95 € (D)
15,40 € (A)
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Simply Explained
What is an algorithm? Can machines think? What technical developments will there be in the future? How does fake news come about? And how can states and governments use all this to influence their population? The author covers everything from algorithms and the use of artificial intelligence in various areas to the highly topical subject of propaganda. Simple explanations and numerous detailed infographics thus arouse interest in our technological future. The Simply Explained series delivers what it promises: Here, complex topics are presented in an easy-to-understand manner and with vivid illustrations. Short chapters, a clear structure and the cool mix of photos and modern infographics help readers from the age of ten to acquire new knowledge quickly and easily. That‘s how you‘ll get the hang of it – guaranteed!
- Great modern design
- With many infographics and photos
- Top topics: Algorithms, AI and Fake News