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Katharina Bendixen
Zorro the Pug - The Secret Treasure Island (Vol. 3)
Zorro, der Mops, Volume 3
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Carola Sieverding
128 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8490-3
12,95 € (D)
0,00 € (A)
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More about this title
• A special read-aloud book for the whole family
• Exciting, funny and action-packed – perfect for little adventurers
• Awarded an average of 5 stars on Amazon, with enthusiastic reader reviews
• Top themes: friends, family and adventure in form of a detective story!
• An atmospheric read-aloud adventure for little heroes – boys and girls!
• Lovingly and detailled colour illustrationsA new adventure awaits Zorro the pug in Vol. 3. There is great excitement in Little Dozington: out of the blue, Zorro has received a letter from a long way away. His pug family are going on a treasure hunt, and they want him to come too! Together with his best friend Hamsterina, Zorro sets sail in a home-made boat. Nothing fazes this plucky hero and his resourceful hamster friend! The pair eventually reach the island of golden treasures. But the biggest treasure is already there: Zorro’s family!