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Sonja Kaiblinger
Vincent Breaks into the Castle of the Ghost (Vol. 4)
Loewe Wow!
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Thomas Hussung
128 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1707-2
15,00 € (D)
15,50 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
(series): Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian
More about this title
Vincent's long kept secret is revealed at last !
Vincent thinks it's time to tell his friends the truth. He must finally tell them that he has to make amends in the spirit world: Because Vincent has smuggled something - colourful sweets into the black and white spirit world, where colour is strictly forbidden! Fortunately, his friends are nowhere near as shocked by Vincent's secret as he had feared. And José comes up with an ingenious idea: all they have to do is catch the most dangerous villain in the ghost world and Vincent will surely be released from his punishment! Catching the creepy scientist Dr. Miez can't be that difficult! Or can it?
A spooky and exciting adventure full of humour!
The popular bat Vincent from Sonja Kaiblinger's Scary Harry books flutters into her fourth, exciting adventure in her own, award-winning children's book series! Travel with Vincent, Fritzi and their friends, the llama and the zebra, right into the spirit world: with exciting and funny adventures full of surprising twists and turns! Humorous fast-paced reading fun for all fans of spookiness.
- Spooky fun for boys and girls aged 7 and older
- Captivating illustrations by Thomas Hussung
- Over 120,000 copies of volumes 1, 2 and 3 sold