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Barbara Rose
The Enchanted Book Castle (Vol. 6)
Student of the Dark Magic
Das Bücherschloss, Volume 6
illustriert von Annabelle von Sperber
160 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1646-4
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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Off to Thunderclap Valley!
Becky Librum has moved into a real castle with her father, where she discovers a secret floor with a huge library. And only Becky can save the books from turning to dust forever.There's trouble in the book world: Rumpelstiltskin and his poison dwarves have stolen Malina's magic book! This book poses a great danger if it falls into the wrong hands. Tin Knight Ferdinand accompanies Becky and her friends to the spooky Donnerknattertal, where Rumplestiltskin is rumoured to be hiding. But there they first encounter eerie ghosts, dragons and the wizard Ignaz, who knows a thing or two about dark magic ...
Volume 6 of the wonderfully magical adventure series!
In this gripping magical adventure series, a strong girl not only moves into a castle, but also experiences the greatest adventure of her life: she has to save the magical world of books! Wonderfully idiosyncratic magical creatures, talking animals and her best friend are at the side of the courageous protagonist. Girls and boys aged 8 and over will be thrilled. The story is exciting and imaginative thanks to the wonderfully atmospheric illustrations. A book to immerse yourself in.