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Drawing and Quiz-Solving in the Enchanted Forest - Concentration
Malen und Rätseln im Zauberwald
illustriert von Corina Beurenmeister
80 Pages, 15.3 x 20.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0056-2
3,95 € (D)
4,10 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
- Nursery and preschool learning with magical animals
- With puzzles to cut out and a personal certificate
- Designed to tie in with the Early Years curriculum
- Helps develop concentration, logical thinking, creativity
- Learning through play, with puzzles that motivate children
Welcome to the Enchanted Forest! Learning as if by magic!
Fun puzzles based around the topics of letters, numbers, shapes, opposites and things that match, for children aged 4+. Children solve the puzzles with the help of Finn the unicorn, Mia the dragon and Samuel the owl, and once they have completed all exercises there is a puzzle they can cut out and use to make their own personal Enchanted Forest certificate.