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Ulli Schubert
The Football Friends Save the Game (2)
Illustrationen von Wilfried Gebhard
136 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-5775-4
2,50 € (D)
2,60 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
Kickoff, shoot and ... goal!
The football friends are off! After all, a draw is not even half a victory. And there’s a lot at stake: it’s far more than a bit of fun and a few thrills, and involves real fans, true football honour and – the championship. The football friends give their all. They battle it out on the field, leave the opposition’s defence standing, turn every penalty to their advantage and get a goal with every free kick. If that isn’t success!
Franz Beckenbauer brought the World Cup to Germany – we’re bringing it into our books! Here the heroes put as much energy into winning their game as the teams in the stadium. And even if at the end there are always winners and losers, they all share the opinion that football is the best thing on earth!