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Sonja Kaiblinger
Scary Harry – Strife Among the Spooks (Vol. 5)
Scary Harry, Volume 5
illustriert von Fréderic Bertrand
240 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8265-7
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
Series: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Hungarian, Romanian, Turkish
More about this title
The silence of the reapers
• Over 120.000 copies sold
• Cool, instantly endearing, characters with cult potential
• Thrilling, laugh-aloud tale
• Witty illustrations by Fréderic Bertrand
• Film rights soldSouls in jars of pickled gherkins, a beastly bat and a door into the next world in the living room – there’s nothing in Scary Harry’s cosmos that isn’t there. Sonja Kaiblinger sends Otto and his bony pal into a new adventure, which contains a few surprises.
What happens in Vol. 5:
It’s Halloween on Radish Road! But instead of joining in with the trick-or-treaters, Otto is home alone. Harold, meanwhile, is making himself scarce: his new boss does not allow visits to the Land of the Living outside of working hours. But at least Uncle Archibald, who has just returned from the Afterlife, is able to help Otto and Emily establish a connection to Otto’s parents. They have been kidnapped by a grim reaper and carried off to Limbo...
Leipziger Lesekompass 2014 (age group 10-14 years)
LESERstimmen 2015 Award of young readers in Austria