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Sonja Kaiblinger
Scary Harry – Break a Legbone (Vol. 6)
Scary Harry, Volume 6
illustriert von Fréderic Bertrand
256 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8266-4
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Scary Harry - The world's coolest grim reaper!
• Cool, instantly endearing characters
• The perfect mix: Thrills, goose pimples and bone-dry humour
• Ingenious illustrations by Fréderic Bertrand
• Bi-annual publication sequence
• Over 150.000 sold copies of the series
Souls in jars of pickled gherkins, a beastly bat, and a door into the next world in the living room – there’s nothing in Scary Harry’s cosmos that isn’t there. Sonja Kaiblinger leads her readers into a wonderful crazy world full of turbulent twists and original characters – spirited dialogues, dry-as-dust humour and a dead-safe success guaranteed!
What happens in Vol. 6:
Getting Otto’s parents out of prison is proving to be harder than anyone had expected. Despite the help of his best friend, Harry the Grim Reaper, Otto’s test teleportation object Vincent keeps ending up in the dingy afterlife pub The Jellyfish instead of in Malcatraz. To take their minds off it all, Auntie Sharon organises a skiing holiday for the whole gang. But no sooner have they hit the slopes than Harry finds himself having to pull off some pretty hair-raising manoeuvres. Somebody seems to be following him...
Leipziger Lesekompass 2014 (age group 10-14 years)
LESERstimmen 2015 Award of young readers in Austria