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My Book of Finding Mistakes - At School
Mein Fehler-Such-Buch
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Betina Gotzen-Beek
32 Pages, 21.0 x 29.7 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1579-5
7,95 € (D)
8,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
Read, search, find mistakes
Today is David's first day of school. And he's pretty excited. He doesn't need the mistakes that have suddenly crept into his room, the classroom and even the playground! Join David at school and help him with his tricky bug hunt.- Early reading story about fear, courage and friendship
- With 10 cleverly hidden mistakes on every page
- Including solutions for self-checking
Hidden object pictures + stories = double the search fun! My Book of finding Mistakes not only includes exciting early reading stories, but also over 100 tricky mistakes and inconsistencies in colorful illustrations. In this way, the large-format booklets enable children aged 6 and up to learn interactively: in addition to their reading skills and text comprehension, they train concentration, combination skills and visual perception.