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Marilis Lunkenbein
Ask Me Something - Native Americans
Frag mich was
Illustrationen von Andreas Piel
48 Pages, 18.0 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-4843-1
5,00 € (D)
5,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
Chinese (simplified), Russian
More about this title
Did Native Americans really have a tomahawk? And if: where did they burry the hatches? Young readers will find answers to these questions in this volume. And they will find out a lot more about the proud native inhabitants of North America - for example how Teepees were build, the communication through smoke signals or the true meaning of raggery.
Key Points:
• relaunch title with new cover illustration
• refreshed colours on inside illustrations
• the attractive and well-arranged layout as well as the use of clear fonts make the books suitable for reading-out aloud and reading by oneself
• clear structure (one question is answered per double page spread) and realistic illustrations lead to easy absorption of information
• each volumes is equipped with rich index