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Sonja Kaiblinger
Vincent - Off to New Adventures (Vol.1)
Loewe Wow!
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Fréderic Bertrand
128 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0020-3
12,00 € (D)
12,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
Danish, Finnish, Korean, Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian
More about this title
LOEWE WOW! – A New Way of Storytelling
Vincent (half ghost) lives on the attic together with a ghost (shape-shifting, known for always hiding in different furniture) and a cat (a little chubby). Every time Vincent attempts to enter the secret door that leads to the chimney (aka the ghost realm), the cat tries to catch him.
• Family Story Time
• 90:10 picture ratio
• Ingenious and witty illustrations by Fréderic Bertrand
• Bone dry humor; exciting and entertaining!
• A story for boys and girls
• Independent Spin-Off of Scary Harry
Surely, the one thing that could help him succeed is a friend –a half ghost friend! Easier said than done…an hilarious friend-search begins.