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Annette Moser
Under the Sparkling Christmas Star
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Polona Lovsin
32 Pages, 26.5 x 28.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-7616-8
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
A sparkle-filled Christmas
It’s nearly Christmas. Fina the squirrel, Mia the mouse, Mitzy the sparrow and Paulie the rabbit are looking forward to the celebrations. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? The friends can’t agree. Is it the presents that make Christmas special? The nice food? Or the decorations on the Christmas tree? When the Christmas Star shines in the sky and reunites the friends, they finally realise what Christmas is really all about: celebrating together.A magical picture book about the real meaning of Christmas.
- An ideal gift
- Glittery cover