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Franziska Gehm
Meet the Pompadauz - The Pig-Awful Mustard Landsline (Vol. 4)
Familie Pompadauz
illustriert von Franziska Harvey
240 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-7411-9
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
A sausage factory with lots of mustard!
Thundering farts and sausage dog poo! Casmiranda, Johnny, Melusine and Ingeborg the sow are totally stunned. Their tearful but happy farewells have been put on stand-by, because an unscrupulous blackmailer is threatening Milford’s father’s sausage factory, and has set a mustard landslide rolling over the whole town of Rippelpolde! In the nick of time, the friends escape the yellow wave as it hits the Milford sausage depot! Fortunately, the annual travelling merry-go-round is standing ready for a special trip into the past. This sausage blackmailer needs to be stopped in his tracks!
- Uproariously witty writing by successful author Franziska Gehm
- Illustrator Franziska Harvey has not stinted with the mustard!Key Points:
- lovely and quirky story for boys and girls aged 9+
- the vivid imagination of the author fills the realistic parts of the story with bizarre and funny elements
- sequel to the successful first two volumes ‘Meet the Pompadauz’
- bizarre and extraordinary illustrations by Franziska Harvey
- told from the viewpoint of early 20th century children to whom modern technologies are unknown (> advantage for the reader)