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Irmgard Kramer
The Pirate Ship Gang - The Treasure of the Chupa Chupa (Vol. 4)
Die Piratenschiffgäng, Volume 4
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Zapf
80 Pages, 16.0 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8293-0
7,95 € (D)
8,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
Ship ahoy! The pirate ship gang sets sail
Welcome aboard the Molly Popper, the wackiest ship on the seven seas! Those who sail in her – Tim Buktu, Captain Beardy Blue and the pirate ship gang – have all sorts of amazing adventures together.
Tim is thrilled to get a job as a clerk on the Molly Popper! Not only is she is the most beautiful ship in the world – she also has an incredible repertoire of shape-shifting magic tricks.
Beardy Blue, the captain of the Molly Popper, is a loyal pirate of the King and faithfully carries out his sovereign’s orders. He sails the seas with his weird and wonderful band of pirates: Rotteneye, the best man in the crow’s nest, Bonebreaker, the toothless ship’s doctor who loves pulling teeth, Baron von Dexter, the ship’s cook who loves spicy food, and Leo Africanus, the carpenter with a wooden leg. And then there’s Hendl, a four-engined grouse who thinks he can fly and gives Rotteneye a run for his money in the crow’s nest.- Exciting stories, quirky characters and lively dialogues
- A ‘Must’ for Pirate-fans
- Witty illustrations by Zapf
- Pirates of the Caribbean for beginner readers!The Treasure of the Chupa Chupa (Vol. 4)
Beardy Blue and his gang are prepared to do whatever it takes to capture the stinky chupa chupa fish. Whoever brings the King this fish will be appointed his personal pirate captain forevermore. Naturally, the dastardly Admiral Hammerhead and his men are determined to get there first...