Stefanie Hasse
Magic Tales - Jinxed at Midnight (Vol. 1)
368 Pages, 14.0 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0645-8
16,95 € (D)
17,50 € (A)
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More about this title
Modern Fairy Tales told against the line – for everyone who has always believed in magic.
• ‘Brüder Grimm classics’ 2.0: A free and surprising adaption of ‘Cinderella’
• Trilogy with independent, but intertwining stories
• Coming up: ‘Rapunzel’ and ‘Snow White’Tristan and his two stepbrothers – that has never been a good combination. Especially since his father died, Tristan suffers from the bullying attacks from his brothers. He‘s the only one in the family who doesn‘t have magic powers which is why he can‘t do anything against them. And of course, they won‘t take him to the big Walpurgis gathering. Only his old friend Mara sticks to him. And Ela, the new student from faraway Rome. But Ela has a special mission and she needs Tristan to achieve it. If he just had a little bit of magic…