Julia Boehme
Tafiti and the Cave of Ghosts (Vol. 15)
Tafiti, Volume 15
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Julia Ginsbach
80 Pages, 16.0 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0385-3
Rights sold:
(series): Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (s), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Georgian, Hebrew, Hungarian, Korean, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish (worldwide)
More about this title
Everybody Loves Tafiti!
Tafiti the meerkat and his best friend Bristles, the cheerful red river hog, stand by each other through thick and thin as Tafiti comes face to face with ravenous lion King Kofi.
• More than 1.1 million copies sold and given away with McDonald’s Happy Meal
• The stories and characters have something of Janosch’s wanderlust and of Walt Disney’s wit and tempo
• Established character
• Style guide available
What happens in Volume 15:
Run away! King Kofi is following Tafiti and Bristles! Last minute, the meerkat and the river hog find their way into a cave. But here is now time to catch their breaths. The hungry lion still follows them. The friends run deeper and deeper into the cave and soon its pitch black and they don’t know anymore where they are. And what’s worse: they suddenly hear an eerie voice…