Holde Kreul
Me and My Feelings (German - Arabic) - Strong Children - Happy Parents
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Dagmar Geisler
übersetzt ins Arabische Joudi Ayash
36 Pages, 22.0 x 27.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-2160-4
13,95 € (D)
14,40 € (A)
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What feelings do you have?
There are days when you want to laugh out loud and shout with happiness, others when you feel like screaming and raving, and others when you need comfort and closeness. It's not easy to deal with all these contradictory feelings. And you can't show all your emotions, because that could hurt other people.Recognising their own feelings and dealing with them responsibly is an important learning process for children. This book aims to give children the opportunity to come to terms with their emotional world, to recognise themselves and to examine their own reactions. It also aims to encourage children to recognise their feelings.
,What Are You Feeling?
Some days, you want to laugh out loud and cheer with joy. Other days, you feel like screaming and stomping your feet. Then there are moments when all you need is comfort and closeness. Managing all these conflicting emotions can be challenging - and not every emotion can be freely expressed, as it might hurt others.
Recognizing and managing emotions responsibly is an important learning process for children. This book helps children explore their feelings, see themselves reflected, and evaluate their reactions. At the same time, it encourages them to embrace their emotions with confidence and courage.