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Eva Hierteis
Picture Mouse
– Magical Unicorn Stories
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Naeko Walter
48 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1638-9
9,95 € (D)
10,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Nope and nope again!
The little unicorn is angry! He wants to learn to heal with his horn, but the spell goes wrong every time. But then the little unicorn finds an egg by the lake and has a sugar-sweet adventure.Give your child a Picture Mouse book and lay the foundation for successful learning to read
- Three enchanting stories about a little unicorn
- Proven concept: Picture Mouse has been successfully accompanying children on their way to learning to read for over 25 years
- Over 4 million copies sold in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Ideal for first-time readers from pre-school, for reading aloud and reading along
- Co-developed and recommended by educationalists
- Pictures replace words
- Varied and exciting stories
- Each book is tailored to the interests of pre-school children
- Simple, short sentences in large primer font optimally support the learning-to-read process