Where Is ... The Little Police Car?
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Joachim Krause
16 Pages, 23.5 x 31.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0033-3
15,00 € (D)
15,50 € (A)
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Search and Find!
These board books inspire children to play and discover. While centering around a specific theme, the pictures leave plenty of space for children to use their imagination and develop their own stories!• Children are invited to look for specific objects
• Hours of hidden object fun
• Promotes perception, concentration and vocabulary
The traffic lights are out at an intersection and the police have to regulate traffic. They are busy training at the police station, questioning witnesses about a burglary and fetching barrels from the water at the harbor. What else might the police do? And can you spot the little police car hidden on each double page?