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Barbara Rose
The Enchanted Book Castle (Vol. 2)
Charmed Key
Das Bücherschloss, Volume 2
illustriert von Annabelle von Sperber
176 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0657-1
10,95 € (D)
11,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
(series): Russian, Bulgarian, Czech.
More about this title
The magical book world calls!
Becky Librum moves to an old dilapidated castle with her father and her chipmunk Lotti. There she discovers a secret children's library with her new friend Hugo and his dog Watson. Becky is chosen alone to save the books before they turn to dust forever. A magical series with classic potential, celebrating the printed world and, most of all, the love for books. Opening the doors to the world of literature for kids!
What happens in Volume 2:
Finally, Becky and Hugo found the book of books. This special edition can send them into the book world where Glimmeria and the Buxies are still waiting to be rescued. And it is becoming very urgent! But the queen has closed the gates to the magical world. Will Becky and Hugo be able to find the enchanted key in time?