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Cornelia Funke
Ghosthunters and the Muddy Monster of Doom
176 Pages, 13.0 x 20.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-3832-6
8,90 € (D)
9,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
(series) American English, British English, Czech, Danish, Lithuanian, Portuguese (for Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish (North and South America), Ukrainian
Tom Tomsky is in danger! With the help of Hedwig Cumminjuice and ghost Hugo, the exam for the third ghosthunter diploma doesn't seem to cause any problems at first. But the spook in the little village Moorweiher is worse than expected. Houses sink slowly into the moor and screams are heard through the fog. When Tom meets the twelfth messenger, he begins to realize that this ghost hunt requires extraordinary measures…
Press Quotes:
Tom, the ghost Hugo and the expert Hedwig Cumminjuice are an unbeatable team. They act in a world of ghosts Funke borrowed from the tradition of old ghost-, fantasy, and horror-stories. Hamburger Abendblatt
The author again succeeded in combining tension, a lot of fun and unexpected ideas (e.g. the funny abbreviations for the classification of ghosts). Great entertainment! Bücherbär
This spooky, slimy, screaming and very exciting story is an ideal pastime. As always the author succeeded in creating a very fine mixture of ideas and of different styles of language (e.g. Hugo's way of speaking). literatour