Lydia Hauenschild
Can You Find the Clue? - The Stolen Pearl-Necklace
illustriert von Joachim Krause
128 Pages, 14.0 x 20.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1567-2
11,95 € (D)
12,30 € (A)
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More about this title
No chance for criminals!
The famous actor David Groß is in town! Of course, Lena, Leon and Till don't want to miss out on that. When a valuable pearl necklace is stolen in the middle of the hustle and bustle, they immediately set out to catch the culprit. But when he is finally convicted, a threatening letter to David Groß is suddenly found. Can the detectives track down the author?Take up the investigation and discover the decisive clues in exciting hidden object pictures. Tip: If you get stuck, the magnifying glass will help you decipher the secret codes.
- for girls and boys 8 years and up
- promotes concentration and logical thinking
- Ingenious puzzle fun
- Motivates to puzzle along, occupy and combine
- Search pictures
- exciting detective cases
- with magnifying glass in the book
- also suitable for inexperienced readers