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Amy Crossing
Room 213 – Harmless Hell
Raum 213
176 Pages, 13.5 x 21.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-7871-1
Trade Paperback
7,95 € (D)
8,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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Panic gripped him at once. It crept up inside him, like his previous fury, slowly, scarcely noticeable at first like a soft sound settling within his inner ear and then gradually growing louder until only the shrill noise could be heard, overwhelming a guy and gripping him until he goes mad.
His physical symptoms were unmistakable; his heart was pumping adrenalin into his veins, his hands were trembling, his stomach churning. The worst thing about it all was that there was absolutely no reason for this.
He’d entered Room 213 for the first time yesterday, very briefly, just to try out the key. He had been amazed to see that the room was just like any other classroom in Eerie High. There was absolutely nothing to nourish the rumours about the room. It was a boringly normal sort of room.
But, there was definitely something wrong with this room, something that he had only noticed that day
– just as the door was closing behind him, and he had turned
It was as if everything around him was dead.
And he was trapped in this death.Eerie High looks at first glance like a normal school but one classroom is evil personified: Room 213. Anyone who has walked into that room has had to survive Hell – or has not survived it!
For Liv, things couldn’t get any worse. Her boyfriend has just kissed another girl at a party, before her very eyes! And she’s being pursued by the horrible Ethan. He is threatening her, and hinting at strange things. Liv is scared, though she doesn’t take his threats seriously at first. Until she finds a girl’s body in her garden. It’s Ethan’s ex-girlfriend, stabbed to death. Everyone thinks Ethan is the murderer, but he has a watertight alibi. And Liv’s brother suddenly starts behaving strangely. Does he know the dead girl? Does he know Ethan? Why has Ethan been having psychological treatment? Does it have anything to do with Room 213? Soon, Liv doesn’t know if she should trust her brother or Ethan’s warnings, until finally, she finds herself in Room 213, alone, with a murderer.