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Sandra Grimm
Lolo in Kindergarten
Loewe von Anfang an
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Sabine Kraushaar
22 Pages, 18.0 x 18.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0663-2
8,00 € (D)
8,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
• Grow up with Lolo
• Gender-neutral character
• Typical situations in everyday life
• By best-selling author Sandra Grimm!Going to kindergarten, getting ready for bed…everyday life with Lolo is fun!
Because LOLO’s neither a boy who loves adventure stories nor a horse girl with a tendency
to dive into love stories. Over centuries, these cliché topics served as bestseller guarantee.
Today, they rather are out of fashion... Still, all Bestseller lists are led by stereotype books.
That's why LOLO comes up as a genderless protagonist.
Without a present gender roe, kids can fi nd their own place in our sophisticated society.
LOLO grows up and experiences typical situations in everyday life. That’s how all of us can
put ourselves into Lolo’s shoes and every child understands:
If Lolo can do it - I can, too!Whether finding new friends in kindergarten, going to bed or being sick – LOLO can handle it. Of course, difficult challenges can be conquered, too. LOLO joins kids in growing up and experiences everything young kids do, a character every child can identify with. Short sentences and simple illustrations make following Lolo’s little everyday adventures easy! Clear lines and sharp contrasts support children incapturing pictures and the stories behind – without being over-whelmed. Growing-up with Lolo is a breeze, no stereotypes or clichés to overcome!