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Alexandra Fischer-Hunold
I Read for You, You Read for Me: Princess Rosalea and the Shell Palace
Ich für dich, du für mich
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Julia Ginsbach
96 Pages, 16.0 x 22.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-6904-7
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More about this title
The magical music box takes Rosalea to the mermaids and their beautiful underwater world. Unfortunately a mermaid catcher makes some trouble and all mermaids are in great danger! Is Rosalea able to help them?
Key Points:
• early novels with several chapters to be read by an adult and a first reader
• the texts work like a role-play: the children read the part of the protagonist, while the grown-ups read the rest
• the texts differ in font, layout and extent, adapted to the children’s needs
• generous and colourful illustrations are immersed in the text