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Anna Taube
The Football Game of the Year
Leselöwen 1. Klasse
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Raimund Frey
48 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0299-3
8,95 € (D)
9,20 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
The Reading Lion 1 Concept:
• Simple sentences in large primer font
• High picture-to-text ratio (60:40)
• With quizzes and fun facts
• Favourite topics for kids aged 6+!
Reading Lions for Year 1 help children read their first whole book all by themselves. Each book features an exciting story on a popular theme with lots of lovely illustrations, short sentences, and small units of text, divided up according to meaning. The large primer font makes the text easier to read, and children can check whether they have understood it correctly by using the quizzes and fun facts at the end of the story. A sense of accomplishment is therefore guaranteed. Reading Lions make learning to read fun!Luis and his friends are shocked: Their football ground is supposed to get closed! They challenge the mayor to play a match. Kids against adults! But can they win and keep their football ground?