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Katrin Linke, Karsten Brensing
Movement makes You Strong!
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Kurzi Shortriver
160 Pages, 22.0 x 28.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1388-3
22,00 € (D)
22,60 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
The Movement Compass.
Our children suffer from a lack of exercise! The consequences are serious: decrease in physical fitness, postural defects, problems with learning, decreasing creativity, lack of self-affirmation and less enjoyment of life. But this does not have to be! In their usual entertaining way, the successful author duo Katrin Linke and Karsten Brensing explain complex processes in our bodies and the latest scientific findings. In addition, sports professionals reveal their personal motivation tricks and numerous simple exercise tips encourage readers to be more active. That´s what makes exercise fun!
- From the bestselling authors Katrin Linke and Karsten Brensing
- How to easily prevent the lack of exercise
- Short chapters with lots of photos, info boxes and fun illustrations
- With numerous exercise tips, that can easily be incorporated into everyday routines