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Learning to Read in 3 Steps - Best Police Stories
Lesenlernen in 3 Schritten
128 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0448-5
9,95 € (D)
10,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Step-by-step guide to being a reading pro!
• New and unique concept!
• Growing series with children’s favourite topics
• Clear guidelines for parents and an explanation at the start of each new level
• Three text forms with different reading levels: Guarantees a sense of achievement and ongoing reading fun!
• Large primer font, short sentences, and lots of colourful illustrations
• Ideal for Early Readers!Learning to read is fun with exciting stories. What is special: three different text formats with varying reading levels support children in learning to read. The new concept is aimed at children who have just started school: the anthologies grow with the young readers as they become more confident and allow them to increase their own reading speed.