Eva Hierteis
Reading Lions (Year 2) - The Girl Gang on the Ghost Hunt
Leselöwen 2. Klasse
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Carola Sturm
64 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1413-2
Rights sold:
Finnish, Romanian.
More about this title
Pah! The gang of girls is not afraid of ghosts!
But when they spend the night in the tree house in the alpaca pasture, Luisa, Vivi and Mara suddenly hear eerie noises. A very special night hike begins ...Give your child the proven successful concept for learning to read.
Learning to read is easy - with the first reading books in the Leselöwen series for 2nd grade. The bestselling children's books support the text comprehension of children from the age of 7 with many extras:
- A new animal adventure for the girl gang
- With syllable coloring for easier learning to read
- For over 45 years, children have been learning to read successfully with the Reading Lions
- Over 27 million copies sold - No. 1 in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Exciting stories for practiced reading beginners, indispensable for learning to read with fun
- Co-developed and recommended by teachers, tested by elementary school students
- Simple, short sentences in large primer font optimally support the process of learning to read
- Precisely geared to the interests and reading skills of elementary school students
- With question and exercise section to promote text comprehension
- Including exciting "did you know?" factual knowledge