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Bettina Belitz
Lucy & Leander – Suspiciously Clever (Vol. 7)
Luzie & Leander
208 Pages, 13.5 x 21.0 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-7392-1
Trade Paperback
12,00 € (D)
12,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Lucy has been in the doghouse for months on account of Leander : how is she supposed to explain all the weird things that are happening in her life to her parents, when they are due to an invisible person who is living in their house, and why she is behaving like a problem teenager? One day, her mother finds that money is missing from her handbag, and her parents draw the line at this. They send Lucy to a boot camp in Colorado. Just as Lucy is starting to think that even Leander has let her down he pops up and asks her to help him search for his uncle Gunnar. He is sure that Gunnar is living very close by and will reveal the remaining secrets of the Triple Jump to him. There’s not much time left, because the last Triple Jump was botched and Leander is slowly turning into a ghost...
This seventh volume of Lucy & Leander remains true to the series, providing a witty accompaniment to the challenges of puberty and engaging respectfully with the hormonal protagonists. The wishes and needs of girl readers are reflected in a very realistic way, a million miles from the usual clichés, in the highs and lows of Lucy’s friendship with Leander. This time, Bettina Belitz takes her readers to the American West, which appears amazingly exotic when seen through the eyes of an invisible observer!