Markus Orths
Crazy Family -
The Hackebarts Catch the Snatch! (Vol. 2)
Crazy Family, Volume 2
illustriert von Horst Klein
176 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1881-9
13,95 € (D)
14,40 € (A)
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Do you already know of the Hackebart family?
In three days, the Hackebarts can finally move. Unfortunately, the new dream house turns out to be a dump and everyone has to help so that everything is ready for the move. Then Brooklyn discovers something highly mysterious under a step in the stairwell: Who was the mysterious former owner of the house? The Hackebart family begins to investigate. And things start to go haywire ...
As different as Brooklyn, Zosch, Mönkemeier, Lulu and their parents are: This family simply sticks together."One of the funniest children's books of the year!" Börsenblatt on The Hackebarts clean up
The funniest family story since Help, the Herdmanns are coming and the Simpsons. For reading aloud and reading yourself, not just for family time on the sofa in the evening.