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Ann-Katrin Heger
Welcome to Forest School - Do Your Thing! (Vol. 2)
Willkommen in der Waldschule, Volume 2
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Tina Nagel
144 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8642-6
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
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More about this title
Welcome to Forest School
• Huge trend: Adventure time outside!
• Kindergarten and school are places to feel comfortable at
• Wolf, bear and wildcat will win their readers’ hearts by storm
• Being together, being different, team spirit and bravery
This heart-warming Story Time series is about the adventurous Forest School. Outside home and without their families, the three cute animals go on missions on their own and learn that they win challenges as a team. Mino, Lenni and Lola are sweet, brave and funny at the same time. In combination with large illustrations they make the best Goodnight Times and hopefully bring perfect dreams. If kids are able to identify with all that happens in stories, they will become enthusiastic readers!
What happens in Vol. 2:
Mino, Lenni and Lola are about to uncover a great secret. What lies behind the dashing river? And why are they prohibited from coming close to the river?
Super powers and best friends are required to cross the wobbly bridge. When they discover the water school and meet a new friend on the other side, of course they have to keep it a secret! Big forest school promise!