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Anna Taube
Picture Mouse
The Secret Dragon's Treasure
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Kurzi Shortriver
48 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1732-4
9,95 € (D)
10,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Small dragons but great courage!
Only big dragons are allowed to guard the treasure - how mean! Then Reila, Flups and Beni find a tunnel that leads to the secret dragon hoard. Someone is about to steal the treasure! Now their bravery is needed.
In the Picture Mouse series, exciting stories tell of the adventures of a lovable character or an exciting location. In the text, all nouns are replaced by small pictures that children from the age of 5 can recognise and name when reading (aloud) together. In this way, children are gently introduced to the process of reading and have already "read" their first book before they start school!
- Pictures replace nouns
- For reading aloud and reading along
- Large, easy-to-read font