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Anna Taube, Michael Martin
Around the World with Michael Martin
Our Wonderful Earth
Mit Michael Martin um die Welt
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Kurzi Shortriver
176 Pages, 22.0 x 28.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1717-1
28,00 € (D)
28,80 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Come on an expedition through the continents
Do you dream of exploring the most beautiful places in the world? Experiencing elephants in the wild? Or standing at the North Pole? Join Michael Martin on an extraordinary journey. Visit the coldest inhabited place on earth or the highest mountains in the world together and be enchanted by the uniqueness of our planet. Have you got the travel bug? Then let's go now!A photo album of our world - to marvel at and look at again and again
• Nature photographer Michael Martin talks about his travels: captivating, authentic and entertaining
• Concentrated expertise: Michael Martin is a photographer and has an academic degree in geography
• Lots of breathtaking photos from all over the world
• Teaches us about the uniqueness of our planet and how to treat it more carefully
• A unique and stunning portrait of our planet
• Including entertaining travel anecdotes and exciting background knowledge
• Modern and appealing layout
• Livened up with illustrations and graphics by Kurzi Shortriver
• Michael Martin has been honoured with numerous awards and is known to a wide audience through his books and lectures
• The perfect gift for children aged 9 and over, Michael Martin fans and anyone who cares about our home planet
• Volume 2 will be published in autumn 2025