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Annette Moser
Sunny Farm – Something's up on Sunny Farm (Vol. 3)
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Julia Ginsbach
160 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8125-4
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
What could be nicer than a surprise? Theresa and her friends have a brilliant idea; they want to collect as many surprises as possible. Just as well something’s always happening on Sunny Farm. The fire engine brings helpers to rescue the migrating frogs, Granddad suddenly stops swearing, and when the girls kiss a frog, it doesn’t turn into a fine prince, but an unexpected visitor does turn up... and produced the biggest, most superlative surprise ever!
Playing together, laughing and having fun, making plans and discovering something new every day – it’s so nice living in the country. Heartfelt, cheerful stories by Annette Moser, based on real-life children. A book for the whole family, for reading out loud and to oneself. With brilliantly illustrated tips for recipes and hobbies.• On-trend theme: idyllic life in the country
• With brilliantly illustrated tips for recipes and hobbies
• A book for the whole family
• Heartfelt, cheerful stories based on real-life children