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Annette Moser
Sunny Farm – Summer on Sunny Farm (Vol. 2)
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Julia Ginsbach
160 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-7876-6
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
“Suddenly, I got this churning feeling in my stomach. Do you know why? I finally got to understand that the summer holidays had really started, because nothing was normal. The air smelt the way the summer holiday air smells. The sun was tickling my arms, the way the summer holiday sun tickles them. Then I looked at the fence and realised that our sunflowers that we’d planted in spring were nearly all over. And I suddenly thought of a thousand things that we could do, proper summer holiday things, and I knew that these would be the best summer holidays in the world. A proper humdinger of a holiday.“
At last, the summer holidays are here! Theresa is delighted because there isn’t anywhere as lovely as this place, Sunny Farm. The sun is tickling her arms, the trees are loaded with dark red cherries, and even her lemonade tastes of summer! It’s never boring here, either: Theresa and her friends put their tents up in the garden, see off a horrible spooky ghost, and invent hodgepodge day. Summer in the countryside is just great!
Annette Moser‘s warm-hearted stories about Theresa and her friends make one long for an idyllic, natural life in the country! A book for the whole family, for reading aloud or to oneself. There’s a special extra in the form of lovingly illustrated ideas for recipes and handicrafts.- With ideas for recipes and handicrafts
- Four-coloured illustrations
- A book for the whole family!
- Trendy topic: countryside living