Kai Pannen
Reading Lions (Year 2 ) - Three Friends Save Their School
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Kai Pannen
64 Pages, 17.5 x 24.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-1437-8
9,95 € (D)
10,30 € (A)
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More about this title
When evening comes, is it empty and quiet in the school? No way! The school then belongs to the three friends and they even have to deal with a burglar! Can the three friends defend their school?
About Reading Lions (Year 2):
The Reading Lions for second grade turn children into reading pros: popular first reading topics ensure excitement and fun. Thanks to a well-balanced text-to-picture ratio and a large font designed especially for beginning readers, children aged 7 and older can easily grasp the content. Accompanying information and explanations also deepen their general knowledge.