Julia Boehme
Tafiti – That‘s How You Get Well
durchgehend farbig illustriert von Julia Ginsbach
32 Pages, 24.0 x 26.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0330-3
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
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More about this title
The forth picture book story about the popular meerkat character Tafiti
• Written with warmth and imagination by Julia Boehme
• Beautiful, detailed illustrations by Julia Ginsbach
• Trendy topic: Meerkats
• Established character
• Style guide available
Tafiti the little meerkat experiences a lot of adventures. This miniature hero has real star potential and has been taking readers by storm. Tafiti and his best friend Bristles, the cheerful red river hog, stand by each other through thick and thin as Tafiti comes face to face with ravenous lion King Kofi and gluttonous eagle Mr Gogo.
The characters have all sorts of adventures in faraway Africa, but their stories remain close to the everyday lives of their readers. The Tafiti brand is growing!
When they are quietly lying in the hammock the springhare hobbles to them. “Ouch, ouch” he whines. Oh dear, what happened there? Luckily, the two friends find the thorn quickly and pull it out. But the other animals in the Savannah need help, too.. The greedy one has a stomachache and the giraffe has a sore throat. Can Tafiti and Bristles help the animals to get well soon?