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Sonja Kaiblinger
Space School – Galactic Rebellion (Vol. 3)
Loewe Wow!
illustriert von Kurzi Shortriver
176 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0677-9
10,00 € (D)
10,30 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
More about this title
Back to beaming in Space!
• A hilarious and thrilling intergalactic school adventure
• Easy reading success
• Innovative 90:10 picture ratio
• Homework, annoying teachers and new students…just like on Earth!
• Lots of gags and messages
• Written by a teacher and bestselling authorWhat happens in Volume 3:
WOOM! What was that? An asteroid has severely damaged the space station's supply department. That's the reason why resources are running low and Ned, Pimm, Anna and Ypsilon have to eat jerky day in and out. Yuck, thinks Pimm. The friends have to find out quickly whether there will be a prospect of tasty food again soon. In the process, the four are accidentally beamed to a strange desert planet. How are they supposed to find their way back home? Let's just hope that the aliens of this planet are friendly!