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Kira Gembri
Ruby Fairygale (Vol. 3)
The Animal Shifter’s Secret
Ruby Fairygale, Volume 3
illustriert von Verena Körting
320 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7432-0461-4
14,95 € (D)
15,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
(series): French, Lithuanian, Russian, Ukrainian
More about this title
An exciting feel-good fantasy!
Ruby Fairygale lives with her grandma on a small stormy island near the coast of Ireland, where they look after animals. But life can be lonely, when you don’t have someone your age to spent time with. Ruby is also different from the others on the island – she and Nana have a big secret: they know about the magical mythical creatures on the island and they help them whenever they are ill.
What happens in Volume 3:
Ever since 13-year-old Ruby found out she was a Pooka, nothing on Patch Island has been the same. Ruby's fascinating gift of being able to transform into an animal and talk to them causes trouble among the mythical creatures: a Pooka can't be trusted! That's why their vet clinic is empty - even though a mysterious disease is afflicting the mythical creatures. With her friend Noah by her side, Ruby sets out to find her parents and learn more about her gift. Ruby must find her parents at all costs and win back the trust of the mythical creatures - after all, the fate of the magical world depends on it . . .
• Trend location Ireland & fairies
• Feel-good fantasy for kids
• Strong female protagonist
• Bestselling series by well-established & popular YA author Kira Gembri