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Vanessa Walder
The Unbearables & Me – Friends Hold the Universe Together (Vol. 2)
Die Unausstehlichen & ich, Volume 2
illustriert von Barbara Korthues
256 Pages, 15.3 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-7855-8951-9
12,95 € (D)
13,40 € (A)
incl. VAT, shipping extra
Rights sold:
Italian, Lithuanian
More about this title
Life Saaks – well it depends on what you make out of it.
• A narrative that will get under your skin!
• A new secret to be discovered in every volume
• Enni uses swear words and crosses them out - absolutely authentic, yet funny!
• For boys and girls!
• By an international film professional and best-selling author from Austria (translation grant guaranteed!)
Just as Enni gets used to living in a boarding school, everything goes wrong. The room from blind Lilith gets wrecked, somebody is stealing and there’s a strange lightning coming from the lake. All evidence leads to Enni – and it’s right the moment she really can’t be expelled from school! The thing is, her brother Noah ran away from home and is on his way to her. Together with the unbearables, Enni tries everything to find Noah. This way, she comes closer to the secrets surrounding the boarding school…